Multiple informants can complete this worksheet to describe how a child expresses a range of communicative functions. Forms and Functions provides information about the range of communication modes used by a student. The worksheet can be customized for different purposes, for example:

  • Ask parents to fill out Forms and Functions for new students so unfamiliar staff can recognize subtle communicative signals.
  • Multiple partners at school and home fill out the worksheet to see how communication forms differ among more and less familiar partners.
  • Fill out the worksheet periodically to track progress over time to see how communication forms and functions change and broaden.
  • Track use of different AAC tools and strategies across functions.
  • Provide information about how a student’s communication modes change in different seating and positioning devices.

References and Links

The Forms and Functions Worksheets that we use was adapted first by Mary Hunt-Berg from 2 sources:

Kathleen Quill’s chapter in Teaching Children with Autism: Strategies to Enhance Communication and Socialization ©1995

“Checklist of Communicative Functions and Means” by Amy Weatherby, 1995.

Forms and Functions blank – Positioning Devices [PDF, 161KB]

Forms and Functions blank – Postioning Devices [Word, 18KB]

Forms and Functions blank [PDF, 152KB]

Forms and Functions blank [Word, 18KB]

Forms and Functions Sample [PDF, 75KB]